How long have you been tutoring? What’s your favorite subject to tutor?
I have been a tutor for a little over 5 years! I really enjoy how straightforward math can be, but I really enjoy noticing the long term differences when it comes to reading fluency.
What are the benefits of one-on-one tutoring compared to larger educational settings like classrooms?
Compared to classrooms, one-on-one tutoring allows students to be more open with their thoughts and feelings as well as have someone pay more attention to those same feelings. Most kids might feel intimidated when asking questions in the classroom because of what their peers might think, however, one-on-one tutoring can shrink those pressures.
What’s something you enjoy about working at Tailored Tutoring LLC? What makes it stand out as a company?
I enjoy working at Tailored Tutoring LLC because not only does everyone truly care about education, but they also care about the well being of every student. The name of the company truly fits, and makes it stand out because Tailored Tutoring adjusts to meet the needs of children so they can ultimately meet success, instead of forcing children to fit a mold that may fail them.
What’s been one of your favorite experiences as a tutor so far?
Seeing the immediate impact tutoring sessions can have on a student’s confidence is my favorite thing about tutoring. I like hearing stories of students being more attentive simply because they know they now have someone who will answer any questions they have without judgement.